Whacked Out News: Man you gotta cop them new Adidas Slavery Shoes! They off, I mean ON the chain!

Wow. I know the shoe industry makes slaves of us all with its outrageous prices and churning out hideous design after design but I didn't know they would be so explicit and direct about their intentions!

Adidas was all set to release a shoe that, check it, had shackles attached to the dang thing! Ankle cuffs! But then they canceled its promotion and shipment to stores after receiving tons of negative feedback from its facebook followers.

Heres how they were pimpin' these things on Facebook last week:
"Tighten up your style with the JS Roundhouse Mids, dropping in August. Got a sneaker game so hot you lock your kicks to your ankles?"

99 more designs coming soon!
My only reaction to that is why didn't they call it what it is: JS JAILhouse Mids. Everybody in the whole cell block, will be ballin' to the Jailhouse rock!

While Adidas is doing damage control to all the negativity, is it offensive? I mean shackles aside, I feel the design is offensive to the eyes, but that seems to be an in thing. The uglier the shoe, the higher the price and the higher your cool factor. Another thing offensive was the $350 price tag that it was going to go for.

This also reminds me of the time that Nike came out with the blasphemic Allah shoes. (Astaghfirullah!) However, that only caused an outrage to Muslims while everyone else thought the Arabic calligraphy look was neat. I mean who cares if it spelled anything remotely sacriligious? It's Kinda like when morons get tattoos and stuff with tribal designs and chinese and hindu script, fooled into thinking it says "warrior" on his chest when it really says "pedophile".

When are people going to realize that you need shoes just to cover your feet from glass and those annoying thorny things in the grass? Shoes are clothes for your feet, not cars. Imam Siraj Wahhaj said it best, people these days are all about "style over comfort". Actually, I think those naysayers are overreacting and Adidas should come out with those kicks. I'm sure those shoe fanatics out there that have their closets lined up like a Foot Locker will be pretty comfortable rocking those Adidas Jai--erm, Roundhouse shoes and embracing what they truly are...slaves.


  1. Wow. I know the shoe industry makes slaves of us all with its outrageous prices and churning out hideous design after design but I didn't know ... iadidasmen.blogspot.com


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