How Things Can Turn Around On A Dime

So here marks another one of my unexplained hiatuses from blogging. What a big surprise. While I tried to hold myself to writing weekly through thick and thin, I just couldn't write until now because I was in the middle of a transitional period. I was hired for a job! Alhamdulilah (All praise goes to God). More than one actually so, of course I was really busy.

I wanted to check back in to give you that update and tell you all that things can turn around on a dime, bad times don't last. There I was struggling for months unemployed, just barely making it and the future was totally uncertain. I didn't know whether I'd have enough to pay the rent at the end of the month, I didn't know when things would get better. But that just reminds me that it's not my job to know the future. I'm just a player in this script of life and I can't turn the page until I get to the bottom, when everything on the current page has played out. That's on Allah's time.

Waiting for the 180

For months I was just doing my best to tie my camel in the form of filling out job applications and shooting my resume around and then praying and hoping for the best. Months would go by without any responses from jobs, but I kept on churning and do the only thing that was in my control, which was to keep blasting out resumes for jobs I found.

When the time finally comes for Allah's plan to come alive, things move FAST. I shot out a job application as was the norm for me daily and suddenly, BOOM. I get a response from the job, like truly within hours wanting to set up an interview. I go to the interview and I do the best I could to make sure to convince them I was the best person for the job. I later discovered that nearly 50 people applied for the job which intimidated me a bit. But within days, I was informed that I had been selected!

So yeah guys, if anything can be taken from this update it's that no matter what sort of crap you are dealing with or what difficulties your struggling through, things can turn around and get better and when the times comes for it, it will move so fast it'll make your head spin. It doesn't matter how tough it is, how much it hurt, how sucky things get, how big the obstacles, how hopeless it feels (in that moment) because God said so Himself:

I'm living proof of the phrase and it's a humbling feeling. Now for me the struggle now is finding consistency in my spare time to invest in posting updates and blogs here as well as my creative endeavors which I do not want to put on the shelf due to laziness. Yeah I have two jobs I have to keep up with to put money in the bank and food on the table but I can't let my creative outlet which gave me so much solace be neglected nor should my ideas and plans (books, screenplays etc) remain just that, ideas and plans.

So while I work on finding that consistency zone, bear with me, because if I go on a roll, big things will be poppin'. Of course, it's all if God wills it, like He willed it for me to finally get out of the hole I was just in.

Keep striving, ya'll.


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