Elevator Murder Experiment Further Proves How Wussified and Jaded Society has Become. [VIDEO]

There's a famous saying of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) where he says,
“Whoever of you sees an evil must then change it with his hand. If he is not able to do so, then [he must change it ] with his tongue. And if he is not able to do so, then [he must change it] with his heart. And that is the weakest form of faith.”
“… must then change it with his hand.” aka put your big boy pants on and put a stop to it, tough guy!

Even though this is a Muslim proverb, ideally this should be a universal way of thinking. Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. I've heard and read about plenty of crimes or incidents occurring in public which were REAL and people stood by and did nothing and went about their business. 

This video below was a simulated experiment done "what would you do/candid camera" style to capture the reactions of the average joe. If you were about to board an elevator and when the doors opened, there was a murder being attempted, what would you do? Conclusion: The average joe is a big puss.

Some of these reactions are just unbelievable. Yes we have the typical girlie-girl scream and running away, that's a given for any high-stress situation. But did I just see a girl try to be a hero by repeatedly hitting the attempted murderer with a....paper bag

Another d-bag just stood there and started taking video of the killing with his camera phone. If you're first thought, when seeing a violent crime occur, is  "Whoa this is soooo going to go viral on YouTube!", then you have failed as a human being. I think only two guys in that video actually got up in there and actually pried the assailant off of the victim.

However, by far the most absurd thing of all for this video is the end. The whole point of this stunt was to promote "Dead Man Down", an upcoming action movie starring Wade Barrett Colin Ferrell. Wow.

I'm done.


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